Toddler Storytime @ Loussac
Twenty minutes of short stories, songs and lots of repetition to build early literacy skills for children 3 and under and their caregivers.
12001 Business Blvd. #176
Eagle River Town Center
Eagle River, AK 99577
United States
1251 Muldoon Rd., Suite 158
Muldoon Town Center
Anchorage, AK 99504
United States
United States
United States
Twenty minutes of short stories, songs and lots of repetition to build early literacy skills for children 3 and under and their caregivers.
Every month this fall, the library hosts a hangout for homeschool families. Come meet other homeschoolers and learn about fun new books. Be ready to talk about your favorite books from this year and learn about everyone else’s.
Do you need more information about Anchorage's public transit system? Let the library help!
Use our Wii, Xbox One, board games, and card games to build strategic thinking and good sporting conduct. Meet new gaming friends, too!
Best for ages 8+ with caregiver, but anyone may try. Note: projects require patience and small parts.
Dec. 7: Card Making. Use stamps, collage, and drawing to make fabulous cards to keep or send.
Are you a romance reader looking for a place to talk about books you love to read? Join us for lively discussions, and get recommendations from a librarian knowledgeable in the genre.
December: Winter holiday romances
Learn about personal finance, budgeting, savings, investing and more! Volunteers from Junior Achievers will be introducing teens (14-18) to the interrelationship between today's financial decisions and future financial freedom.