We can help you understand and use computers and other technology. You will get help with software issues like email, Microsoft Office, etc. or get troubleshooting help with your laptop or phone. Come in and let us help you learn.
Family Storytime at Chugiak-Eagle River
Join us for a half-hour of stories, songs, and more to build early literacy skills; a blend of fun and education for children birth through kindergarten & their caregivers.
Twenty minutes of nursery rhymes, songs, fingerplays and action for infants, birth to 18 months, and their caregivers. Followed by a special baby playtime.
Free Play Friday at Mountain View
Bring your toddlers and preschoolers to the library for a morning of unstructured play and discovery! This program encourages creativity, social interaction, and exploration through a variety of toys, activities, and sensory materials.
Join us and celebrate Pi Day and Einstein’s birthday with some fun circular math activities AND PIE! Best for school age children.
Twenty minutes of nursery rhymes, songs, fingerplays and action for infants, birth to 18 months, and their caregivers. Followed by a special baby playtime.
Celebrate Pi Day at the library with some fun math activities and tasty circular treats.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie and Activities at Chugiak-Eagle River
Join us for Spring Break fun! We'll play The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023, Universal Pictures, PG) and have some simple character related activities to try while we watch.
Help us put the Nintendo Switch to good use! Bring the whole family to enjoy video games, board games, blocks, and more.
No registration needed, just show up. We may ask you to dust, clean, shelve, or assist with program preparation. For teens ages 13-18 only.
Use our Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, board games, and card games to build strategic thinking and good sporting conduct. Meet new gaming friends, too!
Are you an Anchorage teen in 9th-12th grade in need of volunteer hours? Come to the Loussac Library every Friday from 4-5:30pm! We have plenty of tasks that need your help to complete.