Free Play Mornings at Gerrish
Play with library toys, make friends and check out books!
12001 Business Blvd. #176
Eagle River Town Center
Eagle River, AK 99577
United States
1251 Muldoon Rd., Suite 158
Muldoon Town Center
Anchorage, AK 99504
United States
United States
United States
Play with library toys, make friends and check out books!
A half hour of stories, songs and movement that build early literacy skills and prepare your preschooler ages three to five for Kindergarten. Followed by a play time featuring special literacy toys and games.
Do you knit, crochet or sew or are you a beginner looking for a start? Join us for a weekly meetup and bring your ideas or current projects.
Seniors, join local poet and facilitator Brian Hutton for a poetry workshop, including exercises and discussions on creativity and mental well being.
Join Park Rangers for an engaging exploration of STEM topics, featuring fascinating discussions on everything from Alaskan dinosaurs to sea otters and beyond!
A half-hour of stories, songs, and more to build early literacy skills; a blend of fun and education for children birth through kindergarten & their caregivers.
Location: Mountain View Library, 120 Bragaw St